Monday, April 20, 2009

Tracking Week

We had a fun and succesful week of tracking in the woods around camp, the Albany Pine Bush, and the Adirondacks. One of my favorite excercises was making a foot print in a tire track and then using our fingers to restore the tire pattern, causing our tracks to dissappear. Another highlight was seeing this baby Great Horned Owl on the side of a cliff.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Snapping Turtles look like rocks

Can you see the snapping turtle in this picture? If you need a hint, Joe is working hard to stare it into submission. We took a trip to the Mohawk river to look for pieces of Basalt to use as ax or adz heads and we nearly walked right by this snapping turtle. It was sluggish from the cold so we were able to pick it up and have a look-see. Despite the snow flurries we have had lately spring is really almost here this time. The little coltsfoot flowers are popping out along with willow buds and wild leeks. Soon the honey suckle leaves are going to open and we won't be able to see anything but green. I added an updated picture of my sit spot before all the leaves come out so that we can compare in a couple weeks and see if it is even recognizable.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Gone fishin'

It is 40 degrees and rainy today but we did get one beautiful warm day last week so we took that opportunity to go fishing. I didn't have any luck but Ric caught a very nice brown trout. I think it measured at 16 inches or so. He was kind enough to let us students eat it and it was delicous. Below are pictures of D'Arcy with our fish, the remains of the fish, and a sunset after a nice day.