I’ve finished roughing out my bow and carving it down to one growth ring on the back. This can be a tedious process but with sharp tools and a little patience it goes by fast. My method for doing this was to use the drawknife to bring it within two growth rings, then use a spokeshave to shave off one more growth ring, then go back to the drawknife only this time I held it as a right angle and used it as a scraper to scrape off the last growth ring. I touched up any final remnants with a pocket knife held the same way. If anyone else has a method for doing this that they would like to share I would be very interested in hearing about it! I've thinned out the belly quite a bit so I'm probably just about ready to start floor tillering. We'll see what Barry says tonight.
There is no really fast way to do it, as the faster you do it, the more chance you have of messing up and cutting through the growth rings and causing all kinds of problems! So, slow is good.
ReplyDeleteAre you thinking about doing this process with stone tools? There are some good scrapers you can make with chert that work really well, but they take a long time, too!
Keep the pics and your adventures coming! Thanks!