Monday, September 27, 2010

Vermont Art of Mentoring

Well it was another powerful week at the Vermont AOM last week. Below are some pictures of the event. I'm always struck by the teens that return every year- some of them since they were little kids. They are such uninhibited, powerful people. They speak in front of the entire community with total confidence. And they are always well mannered and offering their services to the elders or little kids or anyone else that needs something. Nobody tells them to act that way, they just do it on their own. I think this is a natural result of being brought up in a loving community.
A take home line from the AOM that better shows how I believe our culture should reflect nature: Highly resilient systems have short feedback loops from highly specialized parts that keep the whole in mind.
A short feedback loop in nature happens when song bird fails to hear the other birds alarming a Cooper's hawk. But a person might say something that really hurts another person and not hear about it for years, if ever. Short feedback loops are one of the things that they really encourage at the AOM.

Blue Jay tracks

Here is my friend Jay Gardoqui playing a song he wrote on Ukulele. The lyrics are as follows Listen listen listen to the bird song
Listen listen listen to the birds
They will tell you where your enemies are
They will tell you where your predators are
They will tell you where you are
.. and back to the chorus

Oidorne point at sunrise. I love living by the ocean.

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